Home Cleansing Smudge Kit
Home Cleansing Smudge Kit
Does your home feel heavy or stagnant, like there is a veil of negativity surrounding your space? Or did you move into a new home recently and need to clear any lingering energies? This kit is for you!
Your home cleansing smudge kit includes:
White Sage - used to cleanse and purify spaces, as well as ward off evil spirits.
Palo Santo - used to remove negativity and obstacles and attract good fortune and positivity.
Dragon's Blood - used to ward off negative energies, protect the home, bring good luck, and enhance spiritual growth.
Abalone Shell - is used to hold burning sage or other herbs, creating a smudging tool that is used to clear negative energy and promote positive vibes.
Each kit also includes a surprise crystal that you can leave by your front door to invite good energy into your space.